CW started the appeal but at the final session in 2017 they did not even appear
High court was not pleased with this action and considered it to be contempt of the court

When Vos tried to get his money it became clear that CW has pulled a number of tricks to ditch the verdict and escape from its obligations. It is quite remarkable that a serious company, which has the intention to go public, would lower itself to this kind of behaviour.

Here the steps they took to escape from the verdict:

All export to Europe from Chen Wey is stopped so Vos can not seize payments from clients.
This export is moved to Fang Ling, a company located on Hongshi Rd #10, that is next door to Chen Wey, which is located on Hongshi Rd #8.

Fang Ling claims to be establish in 2004 but that is not correct, it should be august 25, 2011, so this company was founded after our court case started to escape the verdict.

On the website of Chan way they claim to be established in 2007, but that is not correct, Chen Wey was established in 2007 but Chan Way only in 2015.
The sign on the (previous) headquarter in taipei still shows Chen Wey on the wall:

Besides moving the export to the neighbour (Fang Ling) Chen wey also changes its name officially to Gong Fang, underneath the company sign on the wall at Hongshi rd #8.

Altogether it looks like the childrens chair dance game and in a way that is seems true since this conduct is very childish for a firm that concerns itself to be a serious company.

So far it seems they only took these measures to escape from the verdict,
- if that is the case it would be too much honour for Vos
- if that is not the case they have probably more to hide.
The latter could very well be true because apart from the contempt to high court and European law CW does not commit to other European rules as well:
As described at the court case CW states that destruction of administration is common in China.
This however is not correct, what is correct is that they destroy the real administration and keep a shadow admministration to move money to Taiwan, how this is done is described on the page with info for authorities
. A side effect is that not enough import tax is payed by European clients
which makes the competition for local suppliers even more unfair and difficult than it already is.

Should anyone have more information on doubtful actions from chan way / chen wey / gong fang or fang ling
pls be so kind to contact me: e.vos(at)