It may be that CW supplies Ok parts but their business ethics are highly doubtful.
In the upper left corner the stamp and signature from Hsieh under our contract, but he never kept his promises.
If he is not the honest businessman he pretends to be, then people should know this, especially if it affects other people and society as well.
Here a list of rules they brake so you can decide for yourself.

Hsieh has signed the contract and promised that: "I will pay what I have to pay",
also during the court sessions they repeatedly stated that they would pay/compensate Vos based on the decision of court but after 2 verdicts, which made very clear what CW had to pay, he did not pay a dime.
Instead he renamed companies and moved the business from CW to other entities to escape from this verdict.
In other words: Europe is good enough for the business but when it comes to following the rules in the countries where they are a guest they pull all kind of tricks. Apart from personal loss it is falls competition with local suppliers.

With several companies CW has signed the confidentiality agreement.
But just as his word the signature of Hsieh has no value either:
On the website of Fangling they showed confidential parts from a client.
and even worse: On Fakuma CW showed pictures of these parts with logo on a mans high banner

Since Vos and CW could not find a solution for their breach they went to court.
CW has been convicted twice to pay Vos considerable sums, but after the 2nd verdict it appeared that they deliberately had stalled the courtcase and used the time to move export to Fang-Ling (a company next door), changed the name of CW to GongFang and in Taiwan to Chan Way (First Seiko), see also page on the big company hustle.
There is a lot to do about refugees, who come for safety, maybe wealth and take our jobs, but cases like CW are even worse, because they only come for profit and also take jobs, but by not paying their penalties makes it false competition and they take more jobs than reasonable. They do not follow the rules of the countries where they are guest for business and they withhold over €350.000 that should flow into European economy again. What makes it even worse is:

In my time at CW they always said that they reduced value on export invoices because they had to pay export tax.
I doubt that, but if it is true they do not pay enough export tax leading to false competition.
What certainly leads to false competition is that less import tax is payed on the import by clients when invoices are lowered in value.
Note: Not all clients accept it, others even ask for it and some don't know but if it happens these reductions can reach a reduction up to 95% less than the real value.

In a normal business relationship you pay your invoices to the company that has delivered the goods. But at CW invoices had to be payed to Taiwan, while goods were produced and shipped from China...
It is a strange way of operation, so why would this be? Most logical explanation:
If the declared value of the exported goods is lowered like mentioned before then only this amount has to arrive in China again. If for example the value was set at 10% of the real value and clients pay the full 100% to Taiwan, then only this 10% has to arrive in China, the remaining 90% of the money stays in Taiwan.
This also explains why CW always stated that they do not (have to) keep their administration, see for example: @2 or @42. In the court case enough documents popped-up that showed that they did keep their administration. A simple explanation is that they could not show it because it would show an adminstration that would be different from reality.
That a lot of money tatsachlich has ended up in Taiwan may appear from the new factory they built.

CW filed the appeal themselves since they did not agree with the first verdict. At the final court session in October 2017 they did not even have the decensy to appear in high court even since they had received an extra reminder from this court insisting that they should be present. To put it freindly: all 4 judges were not amused at all and this shows once more that they have no respect for our rules. Since the second verdict was also not to their liking they made themselves disappear. (so: if a verdict is in your favour you would accept it and if it is to your disadvantage you pull all kind of tricks and disappear?)

The behaviour of CW is very similar to behaviour of Taiwan in general.
- they are a rebellious provence of China
- they make their own rules only applicable on the island
- they do not acknowledge and respect rules from others
In other words: Taiwan is not a country and it is not acknowledged as such by the rest of the world.