CHAN WAY FIRST SEIKO claims to be founded in 2007, but that is not correct. This CHAN WAY was only founded in 2015, it was CHEN WEY that was founded in 2007. Reason to make this shuffle was to ditch a verdict from European court, where CHEN WEY was convicted to compensate me for all the business generated.

In 2006 I started as an agent for Chen Wey. Turnover was virtually nothing and few years it was up to $ 5.000.000,=
In 2009 Simon Huang was hired which created an unworkable situation. We had a contract how to deal with a possible breach, but we had a different interpretation on finalization. We went to court and after CW was convicted a first time they filed the appeal, which resulted in an even higher conviction after 8 (!) years. When Vos tried to get the payment it appeared that CW did not export to Europe any more but that this business was moved to an entity at a neighbouring location, which made it impossible for Vos to seize payments from clients. They also changed their company names in China and Taiwan to escape from their obligations.

If it was not my own case and not such a pile of money it would be an interesting story on international business, (in)justice and deceit.
To warn others for some of these traps I experienced or just for reading we will publish this case so you can judge for yourself.
Underneath a chronological overview of the court cases with main documentation for download.


Title Highlights and comments
2006 april 6 The CONTRACT The contract between CW and Vos at the start of cooperation

2009 july 20 Termination by CW From termination Vos and CW try more than a year to find a solution for their breach without any result
Vos has not contacted or bothered clients during this period in any way

2010 june 28 Summons from Vos Vos claims unpayed commissions of € 42.749,=
Vos claims € 51.232,= for immediate termination by CW
Vos claims compensation for clients acquired and turnover realized:
After termination E. Vos will be paid 3% on sales for customers on his customer list for a period of 5 years
or alternatively € 125.023,00 goodwill based on international trade laws.
Altogether around 200k€ to solve this case at once and probably more based on the 3% agreement.

2010 feb-22 1st reply from CW p.3.: CW claims that Vos ended the cooperation
p.8.: CW wants Vos to refrain from business for 5 years
p.4.: CW claims that € 42.749 for unpayed commissions is too high and states that: it is up to Vos to provide proof., which he does
In july 2012 court will decide that the full amount of € 42.749 has to be granted (see p.4. of the verdict). It is a clear example from the pattern that repeats itself through the whole process: link the situation at CW to events in the world if that suits them, makes an untrue statement or doubts Vos' statements, without any evidence and leaves it to Vos to provide proof.

2011 april 19 1st reaction from Vos Vos submits proof all amounts claimed although CW does not submit anything at all
Vos explains why cooperation was terminated by CW
Vos shows how he was treated by newly hired Simon Huang in june 2009: was letzte Wochen passiert ist ist vollig unakkzeptabel, Ich denk auch das Simon nicht ehrlich ist und Ihnen nicht alles erzahlt.
From p.19 a discussion about the client list (needed for the 5 year 3% agreement)

2011 june 16 2nd reaction from CW This time a different approach from CW: no numbers but 11 pages of prose stating again that business had dropped this time even to 60% (p.2.) with a curious link to the events at Citi bank and Lehman Brothers ;-) in 2008 (p.4.) and the remark that business from CW had not recovered yet.
So CW business walks along with economy if it goes down, but if it goes up Cw just states that business has not recovered without any evidence.
It is the pattern through the whole process: CW makes (qualitative) links to other events if it suits them, make untrue statements, provides hardly any evidence and leave it to Vos to prove the contrary.
In february 2012 Vos will show that turnover from CW has increased from 1.5M€ in 2009 to 4.0M€ in 2010 proving the statement from CW that business had not recovered was a sheer lie.

2011 dec-13 Intermediate verdict Short summary by court with the following outcome:
- for a final verdict a translation of the contract in dutch will be needed
- court session to be held on 24 january 2012, later by CW posponed to 8 march 2012

2012 feb-28 The Contract in Dutch &
Sales in 2009 & 2010
Vos submits the requested translation and sales data from 2009 and 2010 showing that the turnover in Europe has recovered from 1.5M€ in 2009 to 4.0M€ in 2010.

2012 mrt-8 Plea at court Very clear summary of the process so far by Vos' attorny

2012 july 17 Verdict p.4.: CW needs to pay Vos € 42.749,= for commissions they refused to pay
p.4.: Vos is not kept to a (non-existing) non-competion clause
p.4.: CW needs to pay Vos € 38.424,= for termination by CW
p.4.: CW needs to pay Vos € 7.644,04 to Vos for expenses
p.4.: CW needs to pay Vos 3% commision during 5 years for clients listed
p.4.: CW needs to provide all sales details from 21-jul-2009 til 20-jul-2014
p.4.: CW needs to pay Vos € 3.450 for incassocost
p.5.: CW needs to pay Vos € 242,93 & € 2.400,= for attorny compensation
Altogether: the verdict from court leaves nothing to the imagination, CW lost, needs to stick to the contract and needs to compensate Vos for his efforts and business generated.

2012 june 28 Summons from CW CW files an appeal against the verdict from juli 17, 2012 and requests Vos to appear in court on december 11, 2012
high-court sets the date to submit the papers for appeal to february 19,2013
CW hires a new lawyer and asks to pospone the session to april 4, 2013
Cw asks to pospone again to march 27, 2013
CW asks to pospone for the 3rd (!) time to may 13

2013 may 7 Appeal CW (Memorie van grieven) CW basically claims that all decisions from the verdict of july 2012 need to be revised, in a long piece of text with a hardly any evidence as always. Actually they state it like this themselves on p.14: CW has the opinion that in principle they have not to provide anything and it is up to Vos to provide the evidence
But a new and from now on returning statement from CW is that Chinese companies do not keep their administration..?!@#?
For example p.3.@11: orderforms, invoices and receipts are shortly kept and then we thrown away everything.
and: in china there are no yearly financial statements or adminstrations to be kept
Also p.11.@42 in half a page text: chinese companies do not keep their adminstration, ... after receipt of the payment they destroy all documents (worden documenten vernietigd), ... companies only keep track of totals
Keeping an administration is obligatory, also in China...
Keeping it for more than a year is also obligatory
Strangely when is was suitable for their case CW could suddenly come up with a lot of payment receipts almost 10 years old and that was no incident since they could also come up with a payment from Bosch in 2010
So: they throw everything away but coincidentally kept the documents that are 10 or 3 years old and can help their case......?
During the process CW will persist in this lie that they do not have to keep any administration.
The reason for this is not so much that they do not want to show Vos these details but merely that the administration in China is a shadow-administration not containing the real figures. On the page: Info for authorities, which will be finished on a later date, it is explained why they have this shadow administration in China, how they operate and what the purpose is. Of course backed up by proof.

2013 july 9 Addition to the appeal from CW CW add salesdata and changes claims
Claims are focussed on reducing the verdict but and limit the client list of Vos,
but clearly states that CW has financial obligations towards Vos.

2013 july 9 Reply to the appeal by Vos An extensive document, backed up by a lot of proof since CW makes a lot of hollow and incorrect statements, but omits to provide evidence, leaving Vos no other choice than to argue against these statements and proof what is correct.
Vos states that destruction of the adminstration is only introduced by the appeal from the new attorny and also adds additonal evidence that admininstrative data from the past is kept by CW, see production 26
Vos proves that CW is lying about the sales data in 2009 and 2010, p.11. and productions.

2013 oct. 15 Reaction by CW Basically nothing new by CW:
- repeating that all data provided by Vos is not correct
- not backed up by any evidence
- again statements about economy on p.6. and p.9.
and a very interesting statement on page 8 @20: CW has no intention to escape from the 3% agreement
and on page 10: CW never denied that she is held to pay Vos but wishes court to determine that amount .... Well court has made that the decision in november 2017 but until the day of today CW has not payed a dime, changed their name and moved the production for export to europe one door under the wings of another company.

2014 april 8 Initial verdict by high court

2014 may 6 Addition by Vos Some additional evidence and clarification of claims

2014 may 20 Addition by CW @2 CW admits that Vos has always been right about the hight of his commission until july 2009
@3 CW offers (after 5 years!) to provide more evidence if that is needed
@3 they CW also states that they have to surge their administration for evidence...(was it not destructed?)
@5 CW offers again to provide more evidence if needed
@7 CW offers to bring real live witnesses to court

2015 june 9 Addition to verdict by high court Court makes a number of decisions that are to the advantage of Vos.
Instead of making a final verdict CW is allowed to provide more evidence and hear witnesses

2015 aug. 4 Some productions from CW Some payment receipts from 2015

2015 july 14 Summary from Vos Vos provides some more information and a clear summary of all amounts claimed

2015 aug. 4 Some productions from CW Some payment receipts from 2015

2015 aug. 11 No witnesses After delaying the case until august 18 because CW wanted to introduce witnesses CW states that there will be no witnesses after all
and will need more time to provide additional evidence......
CW is obviously delaying the case.
At that time it was not clear why they were deleying but later that year it appears they were buying time to change company names and structures to ditch the verdict.

2015 Chair dance 1 All sales to European companies from Chen Wey is stopped and moved to Fang Ling, a company located on Hongshi Rd #10, that is next door to Chen Wey, which is located on Hongshi Rd #8. Production is located at both locations.
Fang Ling claims to be establish in 2004 but that is not correct, it should be august 25, 2011, so this stepp was taken after our court case started.

2015 Chair dance 2 In Taipei: Chan Way since 2015 but the sign on the wall shows Chen Wey:

2016 june 3 Chair dance 3 In China Chen Wey changes its name to Gong Fang

2017 feb. 7 2nd addition to verdict by high court On february 7, 2017 (which is 1.5 years later!) high court has still issues to come to a verdict and summons Vos and CW to appear in court in person. Parties have to submit their absence dates. CW chooses only late dates and finally the court session will be held on october 25 (again 8 months lost)

2017 oct.25 2nd session in high court In court it appears that CW is not present, even though court send a reminder
Lawyer heuvelmans calls the office and indeed they have the note: ..that must have been overlooked. Court states that it is quit an insult not to appear
Vos states that CW is in Europe for tradeshow Fakuma.
Court requests their lawyer Heuvelmans to call CW so they can participate in the session by phone
Again Heuvelmans plays a nice act this time suggesting that he can not reach anybody
The session is held without the precense of CW

2017 nov. 28 Final verdict The final verdict.
Just like in the first case that CW lost most claims are awarded to Vos.
CW needs to compensate Vos a large amount for the business generated

2018 and on Summary of claims Per 29-11-2017 the total amount that Vos needs to get from CW is € 311.745,68 Vos tries to get the payments from this verdict, which is still subject to interest.
But as time passes by, it appears that CW does not react to any request.
Vos finds out about all the name changes and company chair dance.
It is clear that CW tries to only get the benefits from doing business in Europe without committing to the rules.
Moral of the story: be very careful when dealing with Taiwanese, just like pirates they do not acknowledge any law or rule, not the rules of their own mother country, which is China and not the rules of other countries.

2018 OCT. 15 THE ATTORNY FROM CW This download contains a mail from the attorny of CW to CW management
He wrote it after Vos contacted some clients from CW to explain the deceit of CW, assuming that they would share the standpoint that their suppliers should abide local laws.
This mail from Heuvelmans clearly shows that:

A. CW deliberately pulled the tricks to make the verdict useless:
- he has found out that his verdict is useless

B. CW moved the business to other companies:
- Vos is angry as he comes to the conclusion that CW has no longer any business in Europe
- Vos can not execute his verdict in Europe

C. CW knows their position is strong since the verdict is on CW and not on First Seiko:
- What Vos need is a new verdict from a Dutch court against First Seiko
- But Vos can not summon First Seiko in a Dutch court, as Vos and First Seiko don’t have an agreement

D. CW deliberately ditched the verdict:
- First Seiko has intentionally harmed the interest of Vos, by taking over the business from CW in Europe
- Under Dutch law this is considered an act of tort under specific circumstances.
- Vos has no possibilities to summon First Seiko before a dutch court

Please note that the italic text is not from Vos of his lawyer, but from the attorny of CW, which proves that the name changes from 2015 were done on purpose and with the intention to escape the verdict and disrespect european law.